The Landlord (1970)
de Hal Ashby
Radiance Films - 29 juillet 2024
ATTENTION l'édition limitée avec bandeau et livret s'épuise généralement très vite, ensuite arrive la version simple (sans bandeau ni livret), nous vous conseillons de précommander (édition limitée non contractuelle après la période de précommande)
Titre Original :
Audio : English
Sous-Titres : English
Durée : 1h52
Format : Blu-ray Limited Edition / import UK
Zone : B
Genre : Romance, Comédie
At the age of twenty-nine, Elgar Enders "runs away" from home. This running away consists of buying a building in a black ghetto in the Park Slope section of Brooklyn. Initially his intention is to evict the black tenants and convert it into a posh flat. But Elgar is not one to be bound by yesterday's urges, and soon he has other thoughts on his mind. He's grown fond of the black tenants and maybe has even fallen in love.
- 2K transfer by Kino Lorber
- Uncompressed mono PCM audio
- The Racial Gap - An interview with star Beau Bridges (2019, 25 mins)
- Reflections - An interview with star Lee Grant (2019, 26 mins)
- Style and Substance - An interview with producer Norman Jewison (2019, 29 mins)
- A new interview with Hal Ashby biographer Nick Dawson (2024)
- An interview with broadcaster and author Ellen E. Jones (2024)
- Trailer
- Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Vincent Wild
- Limited edition booklet featuring new writing by critic Jourdain Searles, plus an archival piece with Hal Ashby