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Viva la muerte
Metaluna Store
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75005 PARIS
Viva la muerte (1971)
de Fernando Arrabal
Radiance Films - 26 août 2024
ATTENTION l'édition limitée avec bandeau et livret s'épuise généralement très vite, ensuite arrive la version simple (sans bandeau ni livret), nous vous conseillons de précommander (édition limitée non contractuelle après la période de précommande)
Titre Original :
Audio : Spanish
Sous-Titres : English
Durée : 1h30
Format : Blu-ray Limited Edition / import UK
Zone : B
Genre : Drame
During Spanish Civil War, young Fando navigates parents' clashing ideologies after father's arrest. Explores his imagination, friendships, views on sex and death amid family upheaval. Questions mother, seeks father's fate.
- New 4K restoration of the original 35mm negative by the Cinémathèque Toulouse in collaboration with Fernando Arrabal
- Audio discussion from the Project Booth podcast featuring Mike White, Heather Drain and Jess Byard (66 mins)
- Sur les traces de Baal - a short documentary by Abdellatif Ben Ammar in which the filmmaker followed Arrabal’s film and captured him at work on Viva la Muerte! (1970, 20 mins)
- VIDARRABAL - a feature-length documentary on Arrabal by Xavier Pasturel Barron capturing the life and work of this singular filmmaker, playwright, painter and essayist, featuring interviews with admirers, friends and family, including members of the Panic Movement he founded (2011, 98 mins)
- Interview with scholar and Spanish cinema expect David Archibald (2024)
- Trailer
- Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork
- Booklet featuring new writing by Sabina Stent and archival interview with Fernando Arrabal