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S!CK 020 - Fight Club - front cover

S!CK 020 - Fight Club

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S!CK 020 - Fight Club

Language : French
Number of pages : 170 pages
Release date :

How did Chuck Palahniuk and David Fincher place through Fight Club, all of America at close range? We've stripped the classic from the inside out over more than 60 pages, with our sights set on a methodical exploration of Fight Club in its finest flashes, quirks and paradoxes. From novel to film, we retraced the route of a double-uppercut, before plunging into the limbo of consumerism in a long analysis of dormant corporate America. We also sought to understand the therapeutic meaning of pain in our analysis “Le Refuge de L'hématome”. From Space Monkeys to Project Mayhem, we delved into the anarchist roots of Fight Club, before exploring the paradoxes of Tyler Durden: guru, savior, and doormat of humanity. In this large file, you will also find a succession of analyzes of key scenes from the film, such as its mythical credits or the poetry of its final collapse, without forgetting our dive into the chilling realism of the sound effects of the film and the inspirations behind the exceptional Dust Brothers soundtrack.