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Incubus Occaz

Incubus Occaz

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Operation Goldman (1966)
by Antonio Margheriti

Artus Films - February 3, 2015

Original Title: Operazione Goldman
Audio: French Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono, Italian Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
French subtitles
Country: Italy, Spain
Year: 1966
Duration : 90' ( )
Format: DVD
Area: B
Genre: Espionage, SF

At Cape Kennedy, attempts to launch a station on the Moon mysteriously fail. Worried about the international repercussions, the secret section of the CIA sends agent Harry Sennet to investigate. Better known as Goldman, the secret agent with unlimited credit with the federal bank, begins by learning more about the strange disappearance of the scientist Runi. Supported by the very sexy captain Flanagan, Goldman will then face Rehte, the head of the organization, fomenting world domination.

Content and Bonus Contains:Contains:Contains:
"Deadly Rays at Cape Canaveral", by Alain Petit (23')
Slideshow of posters and photos
Vintage Trailer