Dreaming Purple Neon (2016)
of Todd Sheets
Uncut Movies - August 2021
Original Title :
Audio : English
Subtitles : French, Italian, English, Spanish
Country : USA
Duration : 1h43
Format : DVD / Full Version - Color - 16:9 - 1.85:1 - Stereo
Zone : All zones
Genre : Horror
A new drug called Purple Neon is making its way into the addict community. It is a powerful hallucinogen whose addiction to consumers is immediate. Enough to enrich the traffickers but also to ensure power to an obscure cult which seems to be behind the marketing of this strange substance. Purple Neon is indeed much more than a simple drug and has the particularity of transforming its users into demonic and bloodthirsty creatures. When the horde of demons will be at its peak, the gates of hell will then be able to open, thus releasing chaos on humanity.
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