Skinned Alive (1990)
of Jon Killough
Uncut Movies
Original Title :
Audio : English
Subtitles : French, Italian, English, Spanish
Country : USA
Year : 1990
Duration : 1h15
Format : DVD
Zone : all zones
Genre : Horror
Crawldaddy, his son Phink and his daughter Violet, like to present themselves as leather craftsmen working only from quality natural products... In reality, they are bloodthirsty killers who skin their victims alive and use their skin to make bags and clothes! When Crawldaddy's van breaks down in a small American town, it's the beginning of a long carnage that will hit the inhabitants of the region. Indeed, although taken in by sympathetic retirees, the three psychopaths are quick to resume their bloody activities. Thus, while Crawldaddy and his son massacre the whole neighborhood, the pretty violet, she, is drying the corpses in the cellar of the pensioners while indulging in some necrophiliac acts... No one seems to be able to put an end to the killing which bloodying the area except perhaps Paul, a neighbor of the retirees, who after witnessing a horrific murder decides to face the crazed killers. Will he be able to save his skin or will it also end up in a handbag? You will find out by watching this film...if your nerves don't let go before the end!
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