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Les Sorcières du bord du lac (1970) de Tonino Cervi - front cover

The Witches by the Lake

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The Witches by the Lake (1970)
by Tonino Cervi

Editions Montparnasse - February 2021

Original Title : The Regine
Audio: Dolby Audio DD 2.0 Mono: French, Italian
Subtitles : French
Duration : 87' ( )
Format : DVD
Area : B
Genre : Fantasy, Horror

David is a hippie who claims to be free and independent in a mercantile society that no longer respects its own values. In order not to put down roots, he got into the habit of traveling aimlessly, on his motorcycle, across the country. One night, a strange accident prompts him to change his route and go through the woods. He comes across a curious house on the edge of an isolated lake where three sisters live: Samantha, Bibiana and Liv. A funny game ensues between these three attractive hostesses and the young hippie who will gradually see his values ​​undermined.

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